Ministry Work Begins

Arrow Heights Baptist Church is our headquarters for the week. This is the auditorium in their youth building where we meet each morning and night.

Getting ready to do the 'welcome tunnel' for arrivals. This youth team had LOTS of energy! Notice the coffee cup in Scott's hand...we weren't quite as alert as this young bunch! You see the girl with the megaphone? She ran to the front door and hollered 'Good morning' to EACH person!

Our family photo before being sent out to our ministry site.

Arriving at our ministry site: Tulsa Hills Baptist Church
We'll get some more photos of the outside of the church so you can see more what it looked like.

This is a new church...only 2 years old. It was the result of a church-split several years ago. The pastor there now has only been there since November 2009. They have grown from around 30 or so members to around 95 with new members joining just this past Sunday! You can sense the excitement in the air as the Lord is changing lives and bringing the lost to this church. Many of the members appear to be Native American. This was very exciting news for me and Scott as we have a special love for these people and their history. When we decided to go to Broken Arrow, we had hoped the ministry site would be on a reservation. It wasn't, but God still gave us our wish in a way. Isn't he awesome?

This is their newly remodeled sanctuary.

Team meeting in the hall of the basement area. Our main focus this week is to paint the entire basement area so the church can have room to expand. They need more Sunday School rooms, etc. Our ministry team was made up of 4 people, plus a contact from the host church at Arrow Heights. Some of the families that were assigned to Tulsa Hills didn't make it this week. We have a total of 12 rooms that need to be painted - including the floors. We're determined to get it all done before we leave.

One of the rooms.......We got alot done today and can't wait to show after pics.

As hot as it is in Oklahoma right now, we were thankful to be inside...and it didn't hurt that the basement is air conditioned!

Dillan and I did the 'roll work'

Scott's the 'cut-in man'
We also nicknamed him, "Ice Breaker" Ha! Ha!
If you know him, you know he can talk to anybody! That sure helped for us folks who are a little shy around strangers.
On a serious note....please continue to pray for us this week....that we stay healthy and safe, but that most of all, we would be the hands and feet of Jesus and that He would be pleased in all we say and do.
Stay tuned............ lots more to come!
