A Night of Fun

Last night we enjoyed fellowship with the people from Tulsa Hills Baptist Church, our mission site. They treated us to some delicious burgers and dogs, good sweet tea, and the most delicious strawberry shortcake I've ever tasted - yum!
After supper, we went in the sanctuary to worship for a while. The pastor, Larry Buxton, gave a welcome and encouraged us all with scripture from Acts 1:8.
Pastor Larry Buxton

Some of the beautiful young ladies in the youth group :)

Scott played a few gospel tunes with their song leader, Dana Bible - yes, his last name is 'Bible'!
He is a full blooded Creek Indian and shared some wonderful stories with us of his family history.

Scott sharing his testimony.....

Pastor Larry Buxton and his family...all of his children were not present for this picture

Youth Pastor, Josh Haught and his wife, Stephanie. They have only been here for two weeks! They also have four small children.

After the service, we had alot of fun with others in the congregation who also either sang, played piano or guitar. I wish I could remember all of their names!

This is Jordan, the youth pastor's youngest daughter. She came right to me :)
Well, it's Thursday...our last day on the job site. We should be completely through with the basement transformation. I have to admit,it will be sad when we leave the job site today. We've made alot of wonderful new friends. Good thing we have Facebook to help keep in touch :)
