My Summer Bucket List: An Update

You remember that Summer Bucket List I told you about?  Well, I thought I'd give you an update on my progress since summer is unofficially over.

So here was the list of things I wanted to do in no certain order (with the updates in red):

1. Hike part of the Appalachian Trail DONE....and had a trip planned for August but had to postpone. For sure, going again in the spring!

2. Hike all of the waterfalls in north Georgia in a weekend (per FB post by Explore Georgia)  Hiked 2 of them...couldn't seem to find time to devote a whole weekend to it.  Will def make a goal to do the rest!

3. Do a zip line in a woodsy setting (yes...I said woodsy...I want to feel like Tarzan)

4. Eat at the Mennonite restaurant in Montezuma, Ga. (I don't know why I haven't already?) Planning

5. Re-paint our kitchen walls/ pantry door (that door pains me every time I look at it!) DONE

6. Day trip canoeing/tubing the Ocmulgee River with friends/family - Scott and I went on a day canoe trip with friends on the Ocmulgee River near where we live. 

7. Screen in our back porch and beautify it (now that I don't have cats....bless their hearts) Unexpected changes in our budget kept this from happening, but in the plans before next spring!

8. Read more books (social media has occupied me for so long now, I don't read like I used to...and that bothers me.  There's just something about holding that paper bound book in your hands and getting lost in another world). Read "A Walk in the Woods" and Grandma Gatewood's Walk...should have read more....but progress!

9. Go paddle boarding

So at least I accomplished some of the things I planned.  Any time I put something in writing, it makes me more accountable.  In addition to writing out my summer bucket list, I've also been planning out one physical activity each month for me or my family to do to stay active and healthy and that's been alot of fun!  In October, we'll be doing a 5K for Halloween in Atlanta and will be dressed as super heroes!  Fun!  I'll be sure to share lots of photos!

I've also thought about planning out one thing each month to celebrate and either cooking a special meal or dish or setting a special table....or both. Life is so much more fun when we find things to celebrate and enjoy and we don't have to wait on holidays to do so.  Celebrating the "little" things also breaks up the day to day mundane tasks of everyday living.  And let's face it, since there's always something to be thankful for, we can always find something to celebrate.