When your family has super powers

Last Sunday was a fun day for my family!  A few months ago, I noticed that there was going to be a Halloween Half Marathon and 5K in Atlanta.  So I did what any 46 year old woman looking for adventure would do....I signed us up!

To be a team, you had to have four people registered, so we asked my baby sister to tag along. It was a busy weekend for us.  We were in Columbus, Ga to see my niece play in the state playoffs for fast pitch high school softball.  We left from there on Saturday afternoon, and headed to Atlanta just in time for dinner with Dillan and called it an early night to get our rest.

We had to be at Piedmont Park by the start of the race at 7:15, so we were early risers getting up at 5:00 am.  It takes time to transform into super heroes, ya know?!

I was told a long time ago that I resembled Linda Carter, ( I blogged about it here) so of course, I had to be Wonder Woman. Not to mention, she was my favorite super hero as a child.  My sister, Shaana went as Bat Girl.

Since the presidential race is on all of our minds, I decided to show a little Patriotism and add a little red, white, and blue to my costume. Y'all go VOTE!

I had to talk Scott into doing this 5K ....maybe because he had never done one.  But one thing he had no doubts about was what costume he wanted.  Needless to say, he cracked us up in his Spider Man digs!

Not your normal family (Spider Man, Wonder Woman, & The Green Lantern).

We were almost late getting to the starting point because we had trouble locating the parking garage.  Then we got lost in Piedmont Park.  Even though we wound up at the back of the starting line, we finished pretty well. I think there were around 500 individuals in the race. We finished before well over 100 other people.....and that's walking most of it.  Scott's not into running and me and Shaana can't run for long periods of time.

Dillan, on the other hand, received an award for finishing 2nd in his division. Had he not stayed behind with us most of the time, he would have finished first.  But he says we're more fun to hang with than taking a race like this seriously.

Because of where we live, we don't get trick-or-treaters.  Well, we get one....and he's very special to us, so I made him a special treat bucket this year.

Logan is my cousin's son and they live next door to us. Isn't he the cutest little convict you've ever seen?

And his buddy, Chip made the cutest little trusty Sheriff as well.

Well, now that we've got Halloween out of the way, there will be nothin' but Thanksgiving prep going on around here. For the last couple of years, I've been hosting Thanksgiving lunch for my mom. We also hang out all afternoon, and invite everyone to come back for leftovers for supper and a toasty fire in the pit outside where we roast marshmallows.

Hope you all are enjoying this fall season too.  It's going to be a beautiful fall weekend!
