Another Year....Another Hike


I'm not sure how many people like to celebrate their birthday hiking, but for several years now, we've done just that for Dillan.  He is actually the reason Scott and I fell in love with hiking.  We're always looking for a new day hike adventure, and this one was no different.

But of course, we had to celebrate with a family dinner....and Dillan's guilt free birthday "cake" See recipe for 3 ingredient No Bake Peanut Butter Oat Squares the night before.  Side note: I forgot I didn't have candles, so the Mister improvised and lit toothpicks lol!  It actually worked!


The next morning, we headed 2 1/2 hours north to hike Arabia Mountain.  Dillan had been there before for a modeling gig.  

He looked a little different this time lol!  It was a really easy hike and definitely one to try if you're looking for a place for a few hours in the sun.  Not many people were there hiking either, so it was nice and quiet.....well, except for some crazy lady wearing a purple dress, gold sequin sash, carrying an umbrella, and trying to sing or perform her own version of commercials.

Here's some photos of the hike in case you live nearby and are interested in going:

The base of the mountain where the trail starts

It reminded me alot of Stone Mountain

Kissin' on my man :)

After the hike, we grabbed a bite to eat and headed to REI to purchase Dillan's new backpack.  Scott and I bought our Ospreys last year and fell in love with them!  We knew Dillan needed one too for our next AT section hike.  They are anti-gravity, so they carry the weight of your pack much better and alleviate all that shoulder pain. If you're into backpacking, I highly recommend them!

We actually ended up ordering Dillan the color he wanted (bright green) instead of this one. 

In addition to hiking and a family dinner, we found time to pull out the old VCR tape of the video done the day he was born.  Such special memories.  I can't believe my baby is 23 years old!

Hello world!

Weird feeling watching yourself the day you entered the world

Looking at his mommy.  I'll never forget that moment or that day for the rest of my life

May you continue to enjoy life and love the Lord, Dillan.  May God bless you with health and happiness as you continue to seek His will for your life.  I love you!!!!!
