Day hiking with Osprey

In preparation for our next section hike on the Appalachian Trail, my guys and I recently went to Pine Mountain for another day hike.  The Mister and I had been before, but this was Dillan's first trip there.  Of course, there are numerous trails to hike in that area, so it was a new adventure for all of us.


Scott and I purchased our Osprey packs at one of the Atlanta area REI stores last year, but Dillan received his for a birthday gift this year.  Any time you get a new pack, it's always good to do what they call a "shake down" to get a feel for how the pack will carry weight.  That way you can adjust things to distribute the weight more accurately for long section hikes.  And I have to tell you, we absolutely love our Osprey packs!  The anti-gravity feature is a dream for strenuous hikes when you are carrying extra weight. 

It was a perfect day for hiking! Not cold and not too hot either.  Just right!

Pine Mountain isn't a very large mountain, but it's pretty nonetheless.  If you've never been, I highly recommend it. There are also great campsites....even primitive ones for the more adventurous.

We enjoyed a nice break at the top before heading down and going into town .

This particular trail was an easy hike. They have some that are more strenuous, depending on what you feel like accomplishing.  We just wanted to hike a few miles for Dillan to get a feel for his new pack and to enjoy a few hours out in nature. 

We had a great time and finished our 3 mile hike by lunch time. Because we were close to the Warm Springs area, we decided to ride into town and take a look around the historic little town that President Franklin D. Roosevelt loved so much. I'll share all about the quaint little cafe we found in another post.  Until then, I better get busy dehydrating chili for our upcoming AT trip.  If you're interested in learning how to dehydrate foods for backpacking, I'll be sure to give you some step- by- step instructions for my yummy chicken chili.  
