Choosing HOPE for the New Year

In recent years, I've heard of people choosing a word for the new year to focus on instead of having a list of resolutions that they will most likely forget about or lose interest in.

The word can symbolize who you want to be or how you want to live. With intentional living and commitment, that one word can help direct the decisions you make in life.

My word for 2018 is HOPE.

It seems the older I get, time has a way of speeding up. Another year has come and gone and like any other year, 2018 had its share of ups and down, good times and bad, joy and heartache.

But in the fall of 2017, events beyond my control threatened to overtake me.  For the first time in a very long time, I felt hopelessness and despair. Fear and worry set in and tried to consume my every thought.

But after much prayer, scripture, and begging God to intervene, I finally found peace of mind. I'm not going to say that every day or every moment of each day are always good, but I've experienced God's grace in a way that I've never felt before.  I have a better understanding of what Paul was talking about when he said, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing" - James 1:2-8 NKJV

I'm not going to go into all the details of what happened right now.  Perhaps one day. But for now, I just feel the need to remind others that with God's grace you can survive the unimaginable.  On the most difficult of days, you can make the decision to get back up and take another step.  You can force yourself out of bed and choose to keep living and looking for the blessing in each day.  We can do this because of the HOPE we have in Christ. This hope is strong within me and it is what keeps me from falling back into a pit of depression when life spirals out of control.

Even though part of this year has been very difficult for me, I am constantly reminded of how much God loves me and how much I have to be grateful for. I am able to praise him in this storm and continue to love life....even if my life turns out differently than I pictured or dreamt.

I have already felt God using this difficult time to bring about good from all of this. For one, my marriage is stronger than ever.  I love my Mister so much and he loves me so well.  He is always there for me, whether I need to vent or talk or just have a good cry.  I truly don't know what I would do without him!

And I certainly don't know what I'd do without Jesus.  He is my HOPE. He is my everything. My relationship with Him is more important than ever and I am excited about what the future holds.  I know that Christ will use this heart-breaking situation to bring about more good.  I choose to trust in Him and allow Him to work in and through me.

Praying blessings for the new year.  May it be filled with the HOPE of Christ for each of us.

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