Elf Yourself

Man! I'm so behind with my blogging.  But here's a look at our annual family Christmas party for 2017.  We decided on a "Elf Yourself" theme this year and it was so much fun!

Me and my sisters

I didn't go all out decorating the house for the party theme as it was ready for Christmas anyway.  But we did make sure to have all the Elf food groups available to enjoy: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup 😜 We had real food as well, in case you're wondering lol!

Isn't my niece, Natalie, the cutest Elf on the Shelf you've ever seen?

If we gave an award for the family with the best costumes, it would ALWAYS go to my baby sister, Shaana and her family.  They ALL participate! So fun!

All Nana's grandchildren

My mom hates to have her picture taken, and even refused to dress as an elf this year. 😏 But we forced her into a picture with us girls anyway.  I love my mama and am so appreciative of every holiday we have with her.  I can't help but wonder what my daddy would think of all this if he were still living. He'd probably be rolling his eyes lol!  He would definitely be in attendance, but he would definitely NOT be wearing a costume 😄

Just FYI.....next year's theme will be a Redneck Christmas!  I'm already laughing thinking about it!

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