Views from Lookout Mountain

Have you ever been to Lookout Mountain in North Georgia? It's been years since I was when our boys were little. The Mister and I decided this summer would be the perfect opportunity to see this beautiful place again since we'd be coming back through north Georgia from our time in Nashville, Tennessee.

Because we also wanted to go for a day hike at Cloudland Canyon, we decided to rent an Airbnb near Lookout Mountain. We looked around online and found this adorable little cottage that is literally right across the road from the entrance to Rock City.

It had a full kitchen, two baths, and a living room area large enough to accommodate sleeping as well....a full size bed and a sleeper sofa.

It was perfect for the two of us.  There was also a Starbucks within walking distance, so that was another plus for staying here.  It's not every day that I have a Starbucks near me!

Cute cottage style kitchen

We arrived after lunch, so we knew we had plenty of time to walk through Rock City before dark.

It's a very easy walk and full of beautiful scenery.

Walking through the Needle's Eye and Fat Man Squeeze was fun!  Thankful we still fit through there!

A fun swinging bridge to enjoy

Fat Man Squeeze

😀Here's evidence we still can squeeze through these huge rocks.

I love the story of how these gardens were made.  Mr. Carter created this special place for his wife to enjoy and over the years it was eventually opened up for the public to enjoy as well.

I love the magic of the gardens with all of the little gnomes everywhere.

Lover's Leap

You can see seven states from the top of Lookout Mountain.

Top of Lookout Mountain

Do you see the witch in this rock?

Do you believe in fairies? This is my favorite part of the gardens....walking through the rocks where the fairies live.

More gnomes everywhere you look

Pictures don't do this sweet place justice, but there are tributes to so many fairy tales through out the garden's caverns. 

I highly recommend visiting this magical place!  Especially if you have small children. It's such a sweet place to create family memories. I know the Mister and I enjoyed reliving the time our boys came here with us. They also have places to eat and a store to purchase fun souvenirs.  It's definitely one of the most magical places in Georgia....especially at Christmas!

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