Hiking Cloudland Canyon

You guys know us well enough by now to know that on vacation, we also try to get in a good day hike if possible.  This summer when we went to Nashville and then back to the Lookout Mountain area, we decided to go check out Cloudland Canyon. We had heard alot about it, but don't usually go up in that part of the state for mountain hikes.  Since we were in the area, we were excited to finally get to go.

Georgia has some beautiful state parks with so many hiking trails. 
We're trying to hit as many as we can!  

Isn't it pretty? I'd love to see it in the fall as well.

It was a pretty hot day to hike. So glad that most of the trail was in the trees.

We found a shady spot under a bridge by the creek for a lunch break.

Great spot to cool off and relax a bit.

Have I told y'all lately how much I love this man? 😍

On the trail that we took, it also included two hikes to waterfalls. I'll have to admit that the waterfalls were a bit disappointing.....this was the prettiest one.  But if you want a good workout, definitely go see them.  One of them had stairs going down to it. That's all well and good going down, but when you go back up? 😳 We were exhausted by the time we climbed back up....and still had more hiking to do. But we made it!  We had a great workout for sure!

Cloudland Canyon is definitely a must-see in the state of Georgia. 

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